New Client

NextUp Richmond, Virginia to Manage After School Services with Cityspan Provider

NextUp has selected Cityspan to support a multi-agency youth development initiative providing after school services to middle schools across Richmond, Virginia. Tasked with coordinating activities among the collaborative’s 30+ partners, NextUp will use

Cityspan to collect and evaluate each agency’s participation data for the purposes of enhancing communication, measuring shared outcomes and improving program quality to better serve youth.
Locally, NextUp is a member of Bridging Richmond, a community-wide education and workforce development initiative designed to support success from cradle to career. At the national level, NextUp recently joined several Cityspan clients as members of the newly launched Every Hour Counts National Learning Community.  Every Hour Counts promotes sustainable citywide service networks by sharing best practices designed to improve the quality and availability of youth programs.

Learn More:

  • Read about how Cityspan’s clients, including NextUp, Sprockets Saint Paul, Expanded Learning Collaborative (San Francisco), and Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School Time (Pittsburgh) are working to take expanded learning systems to the next level by partnering with the Every Hour Counts National Learning Community.
  • Dig deeper and discover how Every Hour Counts partners (and Cityspan clients) in Chicago, Boston, Providence, and New York are pioneering the work in building citywide systems to better serve children and youth.

To learn more about how Cityspan solutions can help you optimize the efficiency and impact of your social service programs, contact us.